
Come What May

Christian: The courtesan and sitar man are pulled apart by an evil plan...
Satine:but in the end she hears his song...
Christian: and their love is just too strong.
The Duke:It's a little bit funny, this feeling inside.

Moulin Rouge! is a story of a writer - Christian (played by Ewan McGregor) - who moves to Monmartre, France, to pursue a career in writing. He is enamored with the Bohemian ideals of freedom, beauty, and, above all else, love.

While trying to write, an "unconscious Argentinian" falls through the roof of Christian's room. In the room above, they are rehearsing for a play called "Spectacular, Spectacular," something they hope to be the epitome of the Bohemian culture. The writer, Audrey, is having some trouble coming up with the story, and so (after a minor altercation) a midget named Tolouse (John Leguizamo) and the other Bohemians recruit Christian to be their writer.

To pitch the new story for "Spectacular, Spectacular," the Bohemians take Christian to the Moulin Rouge, where he is to meet Satine, The Sparkling Diamond (Nicole Kidman). Unfortunately, on that same night, Harold Zidler (Jim Broadbent), the owner of the Moulin Rouge, has arranged for Satine to meet The Duke, a potential investor for "Spectacular, Spectacular."

A mix-up occurs and Satine mistakes Christian for the Duke, and, after Christian "reads" her some of his poetry, she falls in love with him (and, naturally, he with her). From then on, "Spectacular, Spectacular" becomes a mirror to the trials and tribulations Satine and Christian go through while trying to hide their relationship from The Duke (who more-or-less owns Satine).

I first saw Moulin Rouge! while I was in middle school. I can't remember what made me watch it, but I do know that I loved it from the moment I saw it. The movie actually made me fall in love with Ewan McGregor as an actor, and really made me respect Nicole Kidman (despite the fact that my sister hates her in this movie). I also always really felt connected to the movie, because I could easily see myself in Christian's position.

If you haven't seen the movie yet, please do. It's worth the watch.

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