
I fall so hard

Fall (or Autumn, if you prefer) is a really good season, and is probably tied for my favorite with Spring (not a fan of extremes, though if I had to choose between Winter and Summer, I'd probably choose summer, just because I'm more accustomed to it, having grown up in Lakeside, CA). Fall out here in Colorado is absolutely beautiful. I took a couple of pictures today, that I'd love to share with you all. It's only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to how beautiful it gets out here.

But first! I ordered some novelty ice cube trays on Amazon.com, and got them in the mail today. Thought you'd like to see what one of them comes out like:

Note: Laffy Taffy box (I love candy), knitting needles (I'm trying to learn)

Anyway, on with the fall pictures:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fall is the one thing I miss about living on the east coast. The seasons here just don't change like that. I miss autumn colors and piles of crunchy fallen leaves everywhere. Your pictures make me happy.

Nice ice cubes too. =)